Through the sea and the land of the Guajiros, the Wayuu wind flies -Summary-.

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This summary is done as a work and knowledge tool, with content aimed at allowing easier access to what was delivered in the complete book entitled Through the Sea and the Guajiro Land, the Wayuu Wind Flies (Barney, 2023a). It also aims to show the practical destination that its recommendations have had in the months following its publication, how it has contributed to the dialogue with the current Government of President Gustavo Petro, and with its fair energy transition policy and its new challenges.

The complete book compiles the various problems of the Wayuu communities around the wind projects that intend to be developed in their territory and is the result of the author’s constant dialogue with the communities. In this dialogue, territorial strengthening exercises, workshops on the impacts of wind power complex1, both onshore and offshore, have been carried out; exchanges of knowledge between jurisdictions; conversations between companies and communities in which the author has acted as guarantor; among others.

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